Healthcare News
Surgical predictors of clinical outcome six years following revision ACL reconstruction
A team of orthopedic physicians reports that opting for a transtibial surgical approach and choosing an inference screw for femoral and tibial fixation will improve the patient's odds of having a significantly better six-year clinical outcome.
How a Patellar Tendon Strap Works
A patellar tendon strap certainly doesn’t look like much. The proven relief it can bring your achy knee, however, can seem nothing short of magical.
Subacromial balloon spacer versus partial repair for massive rotator cuff tears
Use of a biodegradable balloon spacer during massive rotator cuff tear surgery produced similar outcomes when compared to partial rotator cuff repair for patients with massive rotator cuff tears (MRCTs) at 24-month follow up, with potential for early improvement.
How Surgeons Can Improve Outcomes of Revision ACL Reconstruction
Outcomes of revision anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction are known to be inferior to those of primary procedures, but little has been known about why this occurs – until now. New research from Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, and Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee, suggests that 2 important clinical decisions can significantly improve a patient’s chances of a experiencing a good outcome after revision surgery.
A Head-to-Head Evaluation of Subacromial Balloon Spacer vs. Partial Repair for Massive Rotator Cuff Tears
Although various treatment options are available, successfully managing patients with massive rotator cuff tears remains a challenge. One option that has generated considerable interest among orthopaedic surgeons is implantation of a biodegradable subacromial balloon spacer that has the potential to recenter the humeral head within the glenoid.
Pop goes the shoulder now what?
If you are worried you have a shoulder dislocation, don’t panic, but do get specialized care right away.
5 knee braces to consider
Knee braces can provide support to the knee joint. People may find these products beneficial following surgery or injury.
What Surgery Works Best for Advanced Ankle Arthritis?
For patients with severe ankle arthritis, total ankle replacement provides better function over the long haul than the traditional surgical treatment, a new study finds.
Nonsurgical Knee Arthritis Care Varies Geographically
Nonsurgical osteoarthritis care is associated with lower rates of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) among elderly Americans with knee osteoarthritis, according to a study published online June 8 in Arthritis & Rheumatology.
Ask A Doctor: Wide Awake Surgery
Normally, surgery is performed using general anesthesia in which the patient is asleep. General anesthesia is not necessary for many surgeries and can be risky in some cases. Wide awake surgery is a technique that avoids this problem and can be performed in an operating room or in the office. It is commonly used for problems of the hand and wrist.