
Healthcare News

  • Two common shoulder injuries and how to avoid them

    It doesn’t take much to sustain shoulder injuries once we reach our 50s. By then, shoulder muscles and tendons have become weaker, cartilage has worn away, and bones have begun losing density. Two particular categories of shoulder injuries are common among older adults.

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  • What Is a Posterolateral Corner Injury?

    Knee pain and swelling can be caused by a number of conditions or injuries. Among athletes, injury to the posterolateral corner (PLC) of the knee is one common cause of this type of pain.

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  • Young adults with old knees: Preventing arthritis after ACL knee injuries

    ACL injuries accelerate the development of osteoarthritis because the injury changes how the knee works, and the trauma affects the cartilage and other knee tissues.

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  • What to know about reversing osteoporosis

    A person with osteoporosis has weakened bones that are more likely to break. Although the condition is not reversible, people can prevent further bone loss and rebuild bones with medication, a nutrient-dense diet, and weight bearing exercise.

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  • 4 Ways To Treat Radiating Pain in Your Leg

    If you experience a sharp, regular or recurring pain shooting or radiating down your leg — known as radiculopathy — you may suffer from a damaged nerve or a herniated disk in your spine.

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  • What to know about spinal gout

    Spinal gout is a form of gout that affects areas of the spine. Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that can occur due to a buildup of uric acid.

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  • Long-term pain after knee surgery reduced, new treatment has shown

    With one in five people experiencing ongoing pain long after knee replacement surgery, new research has shown a way to help reduce people's continuing pain that could also save time and money too.

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  • Fracture Of The Wrist: How To Recognise And Treat It

    Fractures of the wrist and hand bones, or sprains with ligament injuries of the wrist are frequent traumas, which are easy to incur by falling while performing simple, everyday activities or while doing sports.

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  • 11 Ways to Stay Active When You're in a Cast

    Finding ways to remain physically active can be a challenge for people who suffer from serious injuries and find their movement temporarily restricted because they have to wear a cast on any part of the body after an injury, such as a broken bone.

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  • Causes of Elbow Pain and Treatment Options

    Elbow pain can range from the burning that comes with an inflamed tendon to the sharp pain of an elbow fracture.Elbow pain can have many different causes. That's why it's important to see your healthcare provider for a full evaluation. An accurate diagnosis is key to a proper treatment plan.

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