Healthcare News
What to know about os trigonum syndrome
The os trigonum is an accessory, or extra bone, that sometimes develops behind the ankle. It does not always cause symptoms, but when it causes pain, due to irritation and inflammation, a doctor will refer to this discomfort as os trigonum syndrome.
Stretches and exercises to relieve SI joint pain
The sacroiliac (SI) joint connects the spine to the pelvis. People who have injured this joint may experience pain in the lower back, buttocks, and down the back of the thigh. Simple stretches and exercises may ease the pain and help people move around more comfortably.
What to know about shoulder arthritis
Shoulder arthritis refers to damage to the cartilage in the shoulder joint. It usually results from wear and tear on cartilage due to aging or injury, such as a fracture.
8 IT Band Stretches and Exercises to Help Relieve Outer Knee Pain
There’s nothing fun about that stabbing pain outside your knee caused by iliotibial band syndrome. The good news though? Doing IT band stretches and strengthening exercises can provide much-needed relief.
Q&A: Common calf muscle injuries in runners over 40
Calf muscle injuries are among the most common for runners over 40, particularly men. This type of soft tissue injury can heal, but it is going to take time. For younger runners, recovering from a calf muscle injury usually takes about six to eight weeks.
Risk of rotator cuff injuries increases among people with sex-hormone deficiencies
Lower-than-normal levels of sex hormones can increase the risk of shoulder injuries in men and women, according to a new study.
What are some natural treatments for osteoarthritis?
Some people with osteoarthritis (OA) find relief from natural treatments, such as physical therapy and acupuncture. Many experts recommend a combination of drug-based and natural treatments for people with OA.
Sport improves concentration and quality of life
Physically fit primary school pupils feel better and can concentrate better. They are more likely to make it to higher-level secondary grammar schools than children with less sporting abilities. This has been confirmed for the first time in a study by the Department of Sport and Health Sciences at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
8 reasons you're experiencing lower right back pain and what to do about it
Lower right back pain can be due to a sprain, infection, cancer, pregnancy, and much more. To get proper treatment you need the right diagnosis so track any other symptoms you're having. Your symptoms and the type of pain you're experiencing can help you identify the cause and find relief for lower right back pain. Here's what might be at play.
Stiff shoulders after rotator cuff repair may be less likely to require revision surgery
Patients with stiff shoulders after rotator cuff repair were more likely to be satisfied with their repair and less likely to require revision surgery than patients without stiff shoulders, according to results presented here.